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the smell of the end of the holiday

URGH! there is nothing worse then the smell of your holidays coming to a close....its both a smell of the horror and the fear of the bus back to dublin.
so here's what I done while I was here!

after finishing my course on arts journalism and tearing as fast as my massive backpack would let me round to the bus station in Dublin I jumped on the first bus I could get to Limerick. (several magazines and water in hand) Once here I had about half an hour to run to the Haiti fundraiser in Dolans Warehouse. Where my friends I ended up barefooted in Termights nightclub (yeah it felt old school) in a chanel t-shirt, leggings and red lipstick dancing to the best in Indie music! uneventful night apart from the mauling the face off some wan upstairs in the bar!!! I'd like to apologise right now to her......actually, thats a lie. it was funny.

decided to hop out to the cresent shopping center for a while and explore the realms of possibilty in topshop. having found nothing I bought a copy of the september issue (you can take the girl out of the journalism course, but you cant.......) and after a wonderful dinner we settled in for the long haul to watch it.
It was here curled up on a red leather couch that all my fears and worries about that night that was thursday melted away and left me exhausted panned out and unable to move.

i spent a bit of time researching in the library on my essay for JJ on contemporary issues for journalists. So I that done I went to see E as he wasn't feeling well. despite being completely rude and turning up empty handed which I try not to do. mama didn't raise no ignorant fool. We had a lovely long chat and popped over to the drawing awards in Limerick school of art and design. great. If you like shit wine. It was a quiet night filled with laughter and a taxi home

We had E over for dinner. Sushi night with wine. Of course me being me, I forgot E is now a vegetarian and can't eat meat, including fish! morto! So we watched 'how to loose friends and alienate people.' and that dorian grey thing. I'll give the Dorian Grey thing about 1 out of 5. it gets a 1 for having a pretty boy. Who looked like my X which was nothing short of interesting.
So we all ended up. me, E and E drinking tea and wine in the kitchen discussing current affairs and the state of inquality in the world.

off we went bags and baggage to a blues music night. which was a surprising change in tempo for me on a night out. I got hit on by a guy in his 70's and asked to dance by a guy in his 50's. it was epic. I decided after the shock hit me (dress i loved and bought at xmas, wore once, didn't fit me anymore. i have lost a stone) E's sequinned vest, leggings, ray bans and my knee high boots. the night of course ended up in costellos. I danced around to I fought the law and the law won.....with my shoes on this time. it was a step in the right direction.
Naturally I bumped into a few people I knew it being costellos (home of the original drunken miss penny art student dreadful) and great time had by all. 

had to go and get stuff for my make-up kit which included : 14 bottles of MAC foundation, 3 brush sets from MAC, 6 eyeshadows, 3 pairs of false lashes, 2 eyeliners, 2 lipsticks, 4 Benefit get even powder compacts, 3 MAC powder compacts and a mascara (hello kitty from MAC)
I both hate and love replacing my kit with things. because its expensive but great fun choosing the stuff. I got little change from my paycheck back.
i also treated myself to the chanel sunglasses for 200. nice! it's nice to be nice!
Although we did take S to gymkana class. where I got the glad eye off a horse who thought i'd be impressed if he went for the longest piss ever near where I was knee deep in some diet coke. I can think of better ways to spend a friday but, not between the hours of 6-7 so it was fine. I expierienced nervous parents watching their children on giant beasts. it was epic. after I watched some brute of harse (in Limerick it's HARSE) throw a small child to the ground after deciding it was sick of being kicked in the stomach by the little shit. I remarked while fiddling with my necklace that 'the horse seemed rather in a bad temper.' To which she peeled her hands from her eyes and replied, 'That's my child.' And tore off to see if the HARSE had broken her child. (both the child and the HARSE were fine)
We stayed in a drank wine while watching gossip girl and the Dorian Grey yoke. I may have gotten E hooked on serena and Chuck. 

our long morning lie in was interrupted by the need to bring S to ballet. I stayed inside the car and listened to Tommy Tiernan and Hector's morning show on 2FM. OH MY GOD. have not laughed that madly in ages! It was hysterical. well done lads. a great show!
After that we ended up back with the HARSES for a spell as she had gymkana again. The harse was delighted to see me return and I still can't get the acid smell of HARSE wee out of my nostrils. But, we had a great time! Following that we headed back to E's parents house for the match, some pickled onions and vodka. Following a haze of vodka and tonic we started to get ready for the night that was.
I had my new little black dress from Awear and some little purple platforms to wear. I was feeling fine. I had also a new 50's pin up style look to premier as well. This, would be were a good night became great.
Walking into Mickey Martin's I towered above people as I really am stupidly tall. First of all, had a bit of flirting with someone. I ended up in Bakers like a fool pissed dancing to African drum and bass. it was fantastic. a hop jump and a skip and a cab ride later we were drinking in the house once more.

So that was all i can remember about my holidays this week. i am sorry if i didnt get round to seeing everyone! i tried to see people this time i missed the last time round.
I'll be back again around May-ish!

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