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So what happens when a Prophet of GOD is slow.  How do you tell the Prophet of GOD to hurry up.  What happens if the Prophet of GOD wants to go slow on purpose.  What happens if the Prophet of GOD wants to hurry up, but is forced to go slow reluctantly.  So how do you tell the Prophet of GOD to hurry up.  What happens to the Planet Earth if the Prophet of GOD doesn't hurry up.  Will there by ecological disaster?  Where there be droughts, hurricans, tornados and horrible wars?  Will the planet Earth itself be fine, but Hollywood film deals will curl up and die because the Prophet of GOD is slow.  What kind of Prophet of GOD saves the world, but doesn't save Hollywood.  For the sake of Hollywood, we better hope that the slow Prophet of  GOD hurry's up.  I'm sorry for the weird internet posting.  I need to drink another mug of coffee to straighten up my mind.  The dog is barking.  A car is driving past the house.  Type.  Type.  Type.  I'm typing on the computer again.

As I type out this sentence, here are some photos of Zooey Deschanel---One of the cutest and sexually desirable women on Earth.  Zooey Deschanel is a film actress, television actress and a rock star.

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