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Allow Us To Introduce You To Thee Enigmatic & Powerful Artist, Sault & His Super-Natural Magic Tune "I Just Want Dance"

Allow us to introduce you to the enigmatic and powerful artist, Sault and his super-natural magic tune "I Just Want Dance." Sault is like we said from the commencement, rather elusive. So within that smoke of mystery we shall keep things unusually short for our segment 'Allow Us To Introduce You To...'

After all, we pride ourselves in delivering well researched,  educated supplied musique knowledge. On everything and nothing but 1000% factually based data. Keeping the pulse on both the underground and mainstream musique scene culture. With that said. Details regarding Sault, include that the group is an unholy trinity of 3 artists. A fab trio who includes a British boy based in London,  creator Dean “Inflo” Wynton Josiah. 

The collective of three gents debut album ‘5’ is out to everyone now. It's a 14 setlist track of funky dance mood groove. Intertwined with retro and modern/futuristic beats. And the tune we are specifically enthralled with is entitled, "I Just Wanna Dance". It's an explosion of rhythmic fireworks. Begging to be wrapped and delivered bow tie ready, ready for any dance floor. 

Without further ado. Get into thee Sault groove. With ItsNotYouItsMe Media latest hit parade. The ear-gasmic rollercoaster hit song "I Just Wanna Dance" featured right below!

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