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Here she comes again.

Lady GaGa’s her next studio album/concept, ARTPOP, will start to come out...next month.

Here are the key dates for how the girl’s stretching the s--- outta this one.

On Aug. 19, she will release a new single. Then on Sept. 1, the album and its app will be available for pre-order online. And then finally, on Nov. 11, the CD will drop. 

Wait, wait – say what? An app?

Yes, indeed. “Built by TechHAUS, the technological branch of Haus of GaGa [whatever, man...], the app is a musical and visual engineering system that combines music, art, fashion, and technology with a new worldwide community” that Lady GaGa is pretentiously calling “the auras,” so that by “altering the human experience with social media, ART [is brought] into POP in a reverse Warholian expedition.

Alrighty then.

Oh, and dont forget she also has a documentary about all o’ this in the works.

OMG, that noise you are hearing is the sound of millions of sycophantic wannabes orgasming around the world.

Check out Mother Monsters Facebook for more, including talk of how users (that is, her fans) will come together as they partake in the “adrenaline of fame” as they await Nov. 11, a.k.a. the day she venges with forte to bring the music industry into a new age.

Oof, she can be so tiresome.

I totally see how she can be thought of the icon of this generation (of mine). We suck – we absolutely are phony white bitches.

Photo: Guardian.co.uk.

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